How We Decorate for Christmas + Family Traditions
Does the meaning of the season get more refined as we age?
As a child, I looked forward to the decorations, the food, riding around looking at Christmas lights, and the presents!
As a young adult fresh out of college, I looked forward to the parties and gatherings, the decorating, and the food.
Over the years we have purged our holiday traditions in search of a rhythm that feels more “us”.
We rarely exchange gifts, although I did gift Raymond a pair of boxers last year. (bahahah, worst gift ever)
We’ve pruned the holiday gatherings as that felt more alive in our 20s than it does now. The family gatherings all look different too (deaths & divorce have an effect like that).
We’ve tabled the annual trip to the tree farm to get O Christmas Tree to adorn our home; the faux tree is simpler and brings just as much joy (we realized).
The real meaning of the season is the celebration of the birth of Jesus and spreading that joy around.
Here are a few of our holiday traditions and a glimpse into a few Christmases long long ago.
Christmas Past (2015)
When we lived in an apartment in Charlotte. :D
That year I also appeared on Charlotte Today for my third time. Afterwards, Raymond and I walked through the Billy Graham Library for Christmas at the Library. It was magical (we highly recommend)!
Then we ended the day with a fun lunch out at Tupelo Honey.
Christmas Cards
While we don’t subscribe to the common form of the family Christmas card tradition, I have taken it upon myself to reinvent (or revitalize) a new way to spread that joy!
I LOVE getting handwritten cards in the mail and I’ll make the assumption that you do too! The days may have long since parted where we communicated by paper and pen, but I think the sentiment and enjoyment still lives on.
Writing 50+ handwritten cards isn’t something realistic or feasible for most of us, myself included, therefore, I narrow the list down to 10 or less and pen a thoughtful, heartfelt message of cheer and holiday joy to them.
It is a double blessing. :)
I love these cards by the Billy Graham Bookstore.
Christmas Movies
The sounds of the season are my absolute favorite! We watch at least 2 Christmas movies a week leading up the holiday.
My favorites are:
I noticed our move away from the more silly and humorous movies; right now we are in a classic phase.
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Christmas Decorations
We keep things very simple around here yet no less magical! One tree, a lit mantel, and a few simple reminders of people we love that have since crossed the rainbow to heaven. It thrills me to decorate and the burden of “all those decorations” were donated years ago! Keep the best. Donate the rest. ;)
You might even recognize some of that decor! That is the same tree and mostly the same decorations from the apartment days of 2015. ;)
RELATED: How to Organize Your Holiday Decorations
Spending some time browsing Pinterest for inspiration puts me the mood to change up the decor, but truth be told, I really like our simple yet magical Christmas decor and traditions.
Tell me below in the comments - what is your favorite family tradition?!
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